Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Supporting the Ronald McDonald House: The Bekos Family's Journey

Inspired by his family's experience, Jeff Bekos is organizing a charitable event to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House Foundation. This event is no ordinary fundraiser; it's a challenging 2+ month bike ride spanning the vast expanse of the United States, from sunny California to picturesque Pennsylvania.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

The Hidden Skills: Uncovering the Less Obvious Talents Gained from Work Experience

What hidden talents and skills have you nurtured over your career? Which experiences, though seemingly unrelated, have enriched your professional journey? Take a moment to introspect, acknowledge, and celebrate the multifaceted professional you've become. After all, every experience, every skill, contributes to your unique story. What skills are you not giving yourself credit for?

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Adapting to the New Normal: Challenges of Finding Vending Machine Locations Post-Covid

The Covid-19 pandemic has reshaped many aspects of our daily lives, and one often overlooked change is the transformation of the vending machine industry. Prior to the pandemic, office buildings were prime real estate for vending machines, providing a steady stream of customers seeking quick snacks and drinks during their workday. However, with the rise of remote work and a significant decrease in foot traffic within office spaces, the vending machine industry faced a sudden and substantial decline in income. As a result, the challenge now is to find new locations for vending machines that can provide a reliable source of revenue. One promising avenue is to target neighborhoods without easy access to convenience stores, a need that became more pronounced during the pandemic. In this study, we delve into the challenges and opportunities of finding suitable places for vending machines, focusing on mobile home parks in Pennsylvania as a potential target market.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Exciting News: A Comprehensive Update on My Data Gathering Endeavor

I am thrilled to announce a significant milestone in my ongoing data gathering efforts for a new story about Mobile Homes in the United States. As of September 2023, I have successfully completed a substantial data collection initiative focused on mobile home parks across the United States. This comprehensive dataset covers a staggering 34,915 mobile home parks, and we will continue to collect and update this information on a monthly basis.

My mission has been to provide valuable insights and in-depth analyses to help make informed decisions, and this latest achievement brings me closer to that goal. With this extensive dataset in hand, I am now equipped to follow trends and conduct various forms of analysis that will shed light on the dynamic mobile home park market.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Analyzing the Mobile Home Park Industry in Florida: A Data-Driven Exploration

As a data analyst, my recent project involved gathering and analyzing data related to the mobile home park industry in the state of Florida. I collected this data by scraping information from https://www.mhvillage.com/ to provide valuable insights into the distribution, inventory, and geographical patterns of mobile home parks in Florida.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

The Start of the Skyline Chronicles: Unveiling the World's Tallest Marvels

In this blog, we delve deep into the fascinating realm of towering structures, each one a testament to human ingenuity, innovation, and the pursuit of vertical excellence. I've spent over two decades working in one of the world's premier architectural firms, and in my spare time, I've undertaken the monumental task of curating a comprehensive database of skyscrapers from across the globe.

From the gleaming glass and steel giants that pierce the clouds to the historic monuments that have defined cities for generations, our database spans 82 countries, 507 cities, and a staggering 9,188 skyscrapers. It's a treasure trove of information on these iconic structures, covering everything from their height and architectural firms to their historical significance and captivating stories.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Exploring the Hidden Realities: Unveiling the Tale of Mobile Home Parks Across the Nation

In collaboration with a dedicated local news reporter, I've recently embarked on an intriguing project that delves into the world of mobile home parks across the country. While I can't share all the details just yet, I'm excited to give you a glimpse into the journey we've undertaken.

Our mission has been to shine a light on the lesser-known aspect of mobile home parks – their closures, average costs, lot numbers, and more. The aim is to compile a comprehensive dataset that paints a vivid picture of the changing landscape within this often overlooked sector of housing.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Uncovering Opportunities: Optimizing Sales in the World of Pickleball

At Absorb The Net, we pride ourselves on our ability to turn raw data into meaningful insights that drive businesses forward. In our latest project, we were approached by a client seeking a comprehensive analysis of pickleball venues across the United States. They wanted us to create a geospatial map that highlighted the number of courts in each venue, along with their addresses and phone numbers. Armed with this information, our client hoped to devise a regional sales plan that would maximize their market reach and ensure equal opportunities for their sales representatives.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Influential Neurologists in the North East: Unveiling Key Opinion Leaders through Geographic Data Analytics

In the pursuit of pinpointing the top neurology KOLs in the North Eastern states, this project embarks on a fascinating journey through the fusion of multiple datasets. Our starting point is a comprehensive list of neurologists spread across the United States. But to separate the leaders from the pack, we delve into two distinct datasets that shed light on their influence from both local and virtual perspectives.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Demystifying Data Professionals: A Spider Web Diagram Analysis

Demystifying Data Professionals: A Spider Web Diagram Analysis - The spider web diagram you discovered presents a visual representation of different data areas, with each specialty weighed in terms of their expertise in those areas. Let's explore the key data areas highlighted in the diagram and how each type of data professional contributes to them

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Strategic Solutions for Car vs. Cyclist Accidents in Bucks County: Targeting High-Impact Roads

Upon reflection, I realized that while I delved into the causes and complexities of these accidents, I unintentionally neglected to offer potential solutions in my previous blog post. Today, in this follow-up video, I aim to rectify that oversight by presenting several possible ways to address this problem head-on. I recognize that completely eradicating this issue may prove elusive as long as vehicles continue to share the roads with cyclists. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that with strategic measures, we can help reduce the frequency of accidents at the intersection of cyclists and cars.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Uncovering the Truth About Car vs. Cyclist Accidents in Bucks County, PA: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

Bucks County, Pennsylvania, is a beautiful area with many scenic roads that attract both cars and bicycles. Unfortunately, over the past two decades, there have been numerous accidents between cars and cyclists in the county. These accidents can be devastating for the individuals involved and their families, and they also raise important questions about road safety. Many stories in the media focus on the correlation between aggressive drivers and accidents between cyclists and cars. However, after collecting and analyzing data on these accidents, I found that aggressive drivers are not always the primary cause of accidents between cyclists and cars. In this blog post, we will explore the statistics and uncover the other factors that contribute to these accidents. By understanding these factors, we can all work together to make the roads in Bucks County safer for everyone.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Deer-Car Collisions in Bucks County: A Closer Look at the Data

Over the past two decades, there have been a staggering 2,534,903 car accidents reported in Pennsylvania. Of those, 126,378 occurred in Bucks County, making it one of the most accident-prone areas in the state. Even more concerning, 6,483 of those accidents involved a collision with a deer. That means that 5% of all car accidents in Bucks County are with deer.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

What can Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analysis Be Used For?

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analysis is a powerful tool that can help answer a wide range of questions related to location and spatial data. In this blog post, we will explore some of the questions that can be answered through GIS Analysis, along with examples of each.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Developing a Visual Resume

As I progress further in my career, I have come to realize that potential employers are interested in a range of variables beyond the traditional resume requirements. While it's still important to list where I went to school, where I've worked, and what positions I've held, employers also want to know about my software development skills, data analysis abilities, and soft skills. In today's competitive job market, creating a visual resume has become an important way for me to stand out from other applicants.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Geospatial and Data Analytics for Retail

Geospatial and data analytics have been increasingly utilized by businesses across industries to improve their operations and decision-making processes. The retail industry is no exception, and in fact, it can greatly benefit from these technologies. In this blog post, I will discuss the advantages of using geospatial and data analytics in retail, and how the four types of analytics can provide valuable insights for retailers.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Displaying The Grade of a Bike Trail

I have developed a Python script that transforms a flat, one-dimensional recorded ride file into a multi-dimensional, color-coded representation. Specifically, the script generates a 3D visualization of the route, with color coding that corresponds to changes in elevation. This approach offers two key advantages. First, the color-coded representation enables rapid identification of the uphill, downhill, and flat sections of the route. Second, the 3D visualization facilitates a more detailed understanding of the route's features. In particular, users can easily assess the severity of grade changes in any section of interest, making this tool a valuable asset for analyzing and optimizing cycling performance.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Insurance And GIS Strategies

The insurance industry is all about assessing risk and managing it effectively. And with the advent of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the insurance industry has found a powerful tool to help them achieve these goals. GIS technology is used to map and analyze spatial data, enabling insurance companies to make informed decisions and better manage their risk portfolios. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways in which GIS is being used in the insurance industry and what makes a GIS strategy successful.

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Michael Rubillo Michael Rubillo

Advantages of Using Geospatial Analytics for Local Governments

Local governments play a vital role in the daily lives of people within their jurisdiction. They are responsible for providing various services, such as transportation, public safety, health, business, water, and energy, among others. In order to make effective decisions about these services, local governments must rely on data-driven insights that are based on evidence. This is where geospatial analytics come in.

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