Displaying The Grade of a Bike Trail

If you want to try this code you can download it here. I have documented the code below.

create3DRoute.py exampleInput.csv exampleOutput.kml

I have developed a Python script that transforms a flat, one-dimensional recorded ride file into a multi-dimensional, color-coded representation. Specifically, the script generates a 3D visualization of the route, with color coding that corresponds to changes in elevation. This approach offers two key advantages. First, the color-coded representation enables rapid identification of the uphill, downhill, and flat sections of the route. Second, the 3D visualization facilitates a more detailed understanding of the route's features. In particular, users can easily assess the severity of grade changes in any section of interest, making this tool a valuable asset for analyzing and optimizing cycling performance.

As an illustrative example, I have selected a 336-mile route along the Great Allegheny Trail that spans from Pittsburgh to Washington, DC. This route serves as a practical demonstration of the capabilities of the script, showcasing how it can transform flat, one-dimensional ride data into a comprehensive, multi-dimensional visualization that captures the intricate details of the route, including elevation changes and other notable features.

This script generates output that is compatible with both Google Maps and Google Earth, allowing users to visualize their ride data on either platform. However, it is worth noting that the 3D aspect of the maps, which represents changes in elevation, can only be fully appreciated when viewed in Google Earth. This is due to the greater depth and detail that can be displayed in a 3D environment, compared to the 2D representation offered by Google Maps. As such, users seeking to fully leverage the benefits of the 3D visualization capability should make use of Google Earth as their platform of choice.

While knowing the overall grade of a bike trail is essential, understanding the grade in smaller increments can provide a more detailed and accurate picture of the trail's terrain. Here are some reasons why it's important to know the grade in smaller increments:

Helps you pace yourself

Knowing the grade of a bike trail in smaller increments can help you pace yourself more effectively. For example, if you're riding a steep incline, you may want to slow down and conserve energy to avoid overexertion. By understanding the grade in smaller increments, you can plan your effort and adjust your speed accordingly. This can help you avoid burnout and ensure that you have enough energy to complete the trail.

Allows for better planning

Understanding the grade in smaller increments can also help you plan your ride better. For example, if you know that there's a steep section coming up, you may want to take a break before tackling it. Alternatively, if you're riding a flatter section, you may want to push yourself harder to make up time. By knowing the grade in smaller increments, you can plan your ride more effectively and avoid surprises along the way.

Improves safety

Understanding the grade in smaller increments can also improve your safety on the trail. For example, if you're riding a steep descent, you may need to use your brakes more frequently to avoid losing control. By knowing the grade in smaller increments, you can anticipate these sections and adjust your speed and braking accordingly. This can help you avoid accidents and ensure that you reach your destination safely.

Provides a more accurate picture of the terrain

Knowing the grade in smaller increments can also provide a more accurate picture of the trail's terrain. Bike trails can have a wide range of inclines and declines, and understanding the grade in smaller increments can help you appreciate the subtleties of the terrain. This can make your ride more interesting and enjoyable and provide you with a deeper appreciation of the natural beauty of the trail.

In conclusion, while understanding the overall grade of a bike trail is important, knowing the grade in smaller increments can provide a more detailed and accurate picture of the terrain. By understanding the grade in smaller increments, you can pace yourself better, plan your ride more effectively, improve your safety, and appreciate the natural beauty of the trail.

Code Documentation

Input file

The input file contains plotted points along a bike route, where each point stores the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the location.

Each line in the file represents a single plotted point, and the details for each point are separated by commas. The latitude is represented by the first value, the longitude by the second value, and the altitude by the third value.

For example, the first line in the file represents a plotted point with latitude -80.00626, longitude 40.44133, and altitude 221.3. The second line represents a plotted point with latitude -80.00593, longitude 40.44142, and altitude 221.3. The third line represents a plotted point with latitude -80.0058899, longitude 40.44135, and altitude 221.3. And so on.

This type of file can be used to store geographic data, such as the points along a bike route, which can be processed and visualized in various mapping applications.


This Python code reads data from a CSV file and puts it into an array. The code also creates a new KML file by processing the data array and writes the KML file to disk.

The csv module is imported to read the CSV file, and the write_to_file function is defined to write to a file. The CSV file is opened using a with statement and the csv.reader method is used to read the file. A loop is used to append each row of the CSV file to the data array.

After reading the CSV file, the code uses a loop to iterate over each element of the data array. It attempts to convert two adjacent elements of the data array to float and compares their third element. Depending on the comparison, the code generates a string containing a KML section for either an uphill, downhill or flat section. The polyCoors variable stores the KML string.

The code appends each polyCoors string to the entireFile string variable followed by a newline character. Finally, the entireFile string is written to disk using the write_to_file function.

Overall, this code can be used to generate a KML file containing different sections of a route, which can be useful for visualizing data in various mapping applications. However, some potential improvements include better error handling and more descriptive variable names to improve the code's readability.

The output of the code will be a file named “3DRoute.kml” in the same directory the Python code is run in. You can simply click on it and it will open in Google Earth, which needs to be installed on your machine.


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