Crime Rates in Philadelphia 2017 Verse 2022

Crime rates are going up in Philadelphia.  It is true.  The numbers are big too.  For the entire year of 2021 there were 135,114 crimes reported in Philadelphia compared to the 203,432 that have already been reported as of Oct 24, 2022.  

While the statement “Crime rates are going up in Philadelphia.” is true, the statement itself is very broad.  For instance, Philadelphia is comprised of 157 neighborhoods.  Are crime rates rising equally across all neighborhoods?  Philadelphia police break crime down into 31 broad groups which are:

  1. Aggravated Assault Firearm

  2. Aggravated Assault No Firearm

  3. All Other Offenses

  4. Arson

  5. Burglary Non-Residential

  6. Burglary Residential

  7. Disorderly Conduct

  8. Driving Under the Influence

  9. Embezzlement

  10. Forgery and Counterfeiting

  11. Fraud

  12. Gambling Violations

  13. Homicide - Criminal

  14. Homicide - Justifiable

  15. Liquor Law Violations

  16. Motor Vehicle Theft

  17. Narcotic / Drug Law Violations

  18. Offenses Against Family and Children

  19. Other Assaults

  20. Other Sex Offenses (Not Commercialized)

  21. Prostitution and Commercialized Vice

  22. Public Drunkenness

  23. Rape

  24. Receiving Stolen Property

  25. Robbery Firearm

  26. Robbery No Firearm

  27. Theft from Vehicle

  28. Thefts

  29. Vagrancy/Loitering

  30. Vandalism/Criminal Mischief

  31. Weapon Violations

Is crime rising equally across all groups or are some groups worse than others?  Have any groups gone down during this time while other grow at a faster rate?  There is way too many questions and way too many ways this data can be looked at to be covered in one blog post so I am going to break this topic down into a few different posts.  This first one is just going to compare crime in Philadelphia between the years 2017 and 2022 (to date). 

In 2017 158,981 crime were reported in Philadelphia and as of Oct 24, 2022 203,432 have been reported.  The image below shows how crime was distributed across Philadelphia for each year by neighborhood.  By looking at the data like this you can see which neighborhoods are faced with more crime and you can compare the maps between years to see where crime rates have increased. The full size image can be downloaded here.


A Closer Look at Crime in Philadelphia


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